Here are my contributions, phrases that one can use to describe the 'sensual' or other nature of wine:
- 'slides silkily down the throat',
- 'attacks with a vengeance',
- 'gently thrusts itself on your taste buds' ,
- 'finishes and leaves one longing for more' or 'leaves one begging for more',
- 'a long, deep, lingering finish',
- 'the deep red pools that triggers one's deepest emotions and desire',
- 'a texture, a structure, like the soft skin of the crepe myrtle that once touched does not release you".
Second, I was first introduced to wine haiku by Leigh Pomeroy. Leigh was the wine class teacher for Adult Community Ed in my town and I took several classes from him. He is an amazingly knowledgeable teacher and a wine expert in his own right. He has contributed articles to numerous local and regional magazines as well as to Robin Garr's Wine Lovers Website (see link in WebResources in this blog). In fact, it is his Adult Community Ed wine class that I now teach. I learned from the best! Click here for what I consider to be the quintessential wine haiku blog and then read my effort at wine haiku.
"wine slipped slowly down
anticipation, waiting,
speed not the finish"